Friday, March 12, 2010

Do SOMETHING: aka clean out a closet

Well, it has been awhile since I have had anything to post. I have been dealing with allergies and that means antihistamines...kinda bubble-headed and low on motivation. So, as I was lying down, contemplating a long list of projects (aka, dosing), my buddy called and she was DOING things. Of course, this meant that I needed to DO something too.

This little closet is my pantry/catch-all. I had multiples and misplaced items and yuck. It was pretty tedious finding anything.
This is the difference a day can make. It is a little thing in the grand scheme of things but it is tidy and organized. I scrubbed the walls, floor and door....but don't you love the markings showing my family's vertical progress? If we ever move, that door will go with us!
So, the moral of the story is sometimes, we just have to DO SOMETHING. This will get the momentum going!


  1. That is always a good feeling! I need to do that this weekend:)

  2. It does always feel good to do something! :) The door is precious and I don't blame you for wanting to take it with you.
