Friday, November 5, 2010

My "Spot" continues to evolve

Remember the red chaise I finished earlier this year?  It looked rather lonesome in the corner with nothing to hug it.  Honestly, I wasn't really drawn to the spot.  My junking mentor, my mom, found the old door.  I grabbed these bifold closet doors off the roadside.  The lamp is one of those "touchy" things and so far it isn't possessed (coming on by itself-bad experience with that technology).  I found it at a yard sale.  The most expensive part of the door screen is the lamp shade at $6.99.  I got a piano bench to fit between the door and the chaise to hold my cup and my books.    
It is a really quiet spot to get away from the media and really cozy.  How about you?  Do you have a "spot" that hugs you?
